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Live Documentation – WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Assistant

1 About

It was so many times… A customer was putting items into a cart… And he was going out… without placing an order…

Are you agree? You even don’t know how many customers abandoned their not empty carts and left your website for unknown reasons. Of course, we can’t permeate in a customer mind.

But with Abandoned Cart Assistant plugin, you will have a detailed statistics of what product was the first for a customer, where he has gone after and what product or page was the last in his route on your website.

You will see abandoned and completed carts and it will help you to decide if your business is as good as it should be.

You also will be able to send emails to all the owners of abandoned carts and ask them what was wrong with their shopping. To provide a collecting of emails the topbar getting the email address was designed.

Enjoy your improved business with us!

2 Installation

After you have purchased the plugin, you will receive plugin file in .zip package.

  • To install the plugin, go to Admin Panel > Plugins.
  • Click the “Add New” button > then “Upload Plugin” button.
  • Select .zip package & click “Install Now”. After that activate the plugin and start to use it.

Remember that you should have the WooCommerce plugin working on your site!

3 Getting Started

After the plugin is activated the new tab will appear in WooCommerce->Reports.


Abandoned and Completed

This page displays charts of completed, abandoned and opened carts by days.

Cart list

This is the table of carts with statuses, dates, products and browser history. It allows you to see a detailed report for each cart. Also, here you can send an email to one or more customer (through a bulk action).


Here are the plugin settings.

4 Cart list – howto


The Cart List page is very informative. Red rectangles are (left to right):

  • time period – choose a time period of when a cart was online the last time. It can be predefined or custom;
  • cart category – you can see all the carts or only of one category;
  • carts per page – to make it more convenient you can choose how many carts will be displayed at the page.
  • send email – by clicking this button you send an email to the customer with a template defined on the Settings page. As you can see this button displaying only for carts that have an email address.


At the bottom of this page, there are a pagination and Bulk Actions to send emails to several cart owners.

5 Settings

  • Abandoned cart timeout – a time in seconds after the last action on a cart. While the time after the last action is less than this timeout a cart is marked as
  • Timezone – by default all the carts are stored in the database in UTC timezone. But to be more convenient it can be converted to different timezones.
  • Collect emails via topbar – if a customer is unauthorized his email is undefined and we will know this only after checkout. But we can ask the customer to leave his email by the plugin’s topbar if this checkbox is checked.
  • Abandoned email template – this template is usually used to remind a customer about his abandoned cart.
  • Completed email template – you’d use this to thank a customer for his purchases.
  • Opened email template – you can use this to say something to a customer while he is purchasing products.

6 Conclusion

As you see, this plugin is very good in analyzing of your shop statistics. It is mostly the same as the official WooCommerce addon but it much more cheaper.

Hope, you will enjoy working with it!

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