WooCommerce Flash Sale Documentation

The plugin creates an advertising campaign, and applies discounts to the products in accordance with the settings.


  • Setting discounts for products (% or fixed value)
  • Limitation of the quantity of products available at a discount (globally or each item)
  • Date of start and stop of the promotion
  • Change of the inscription SALE! in the products card
  • Flexible product selection filters available at a discount
    • By Products
    • By Tags
    • By Category
    • By Sale Products


First method:

Go to the plugin installation page (http://yoursite.com/wp-admin/plugin-install.php), click the “Upload plugin” button. Similarly, install the WooCommerce if it is not already installed. Activate both plugins in this order: first WooCommerce, then the current plugin.

Second method

Via FTP, install the plugin on your server. Upload the unpacked plugin into the WordPress plugin directory (usually: wp-content / plugins /) Similarly, install the WooCommerce plugin if it is not already installed. Activate both plugins in this order: first WooCommerce, then the current plugin.


The plugin’s settings will be available after its activation. Go to the WooCommerce settings (http://yoursite.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings). There you will see a new tab with the name of the current plugin.

Settings fields

  1. Discount enable (checkbox – default off) – Is responsible for enabling the plugin. If the plugin is off, no discounts apply.
  2. Discount amount (input – default empty) – If the value is zero or empty, the plugin remains off. Developer: You can change this value at any time using the standard functionality of WordPress (https://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Filter_Reference/option_(option_name))
  3. Discount type (radio – default %) – Select the type of discount, this setting will depend on how the plugin will perceive the field Discount amount, as the fixed value or as a percentage.
  4. Use global quantity (dropdown – default off) – This setting can be used to limit the quantity of goods available at a discount. a. Off: no restrictions b. Global: you must specify an amount in the box below this setting. This amount will apply to all items in the store. c. By product: the quantity of the products will be calculated individually for each product. To specify the quantity for an individual product you need: Go to Products -> All Products -> Edit, then select the Flash Sales tab. Max product quantity – The maximum quantity of goods available at a discount.

Please note: In this documentation there is a section Quantity FAQ – there is a detailed description of the behavior of these settings of the plugin.

  1. Sale starts / Sale ends (datetimepicker – default empty) – These settings start and stop the plug-in action. The start date and end date are compared with the current time. The current time zone is determined by the settings of WordPress, you can change the time zone in Settings -> General -> Time zone. If these fields are empty, the discount is not applied!

Developer: This setting is also used by the plugin function wcfs_check_enable(), which is responsible for enabling and disabling the plugin. You can override the output of this function via the builtin filter wcfs_check_enable.

add_filter(‘wcfs_check_enable’, function(){return true;}); // Use plugin like ‘Code Snippets’, not functions.php

  1. Onsale Badge Text (input – by default Flash Sales!) – The setting is responsible for the text displayed in the product card, available at a discount. The display of this text depends on the template used and the third-party plugins.

  2. Exclude Sale products (ckeckbox – by default off) – WooCommerce already contains functionality to sell products at a discount. If you do not want the plugin’s actions to apply to these products, enable this option.

  3. Use regular price (ckeckbox – default off) – If you want the plugin action to apply to products that are already sold at a discount in WooCommerce, but you want to use the price without a discount for the calculation, enable this option.

  4. Filters:

By default, the plugin’s action applies to all products. You can flexibly manage the goods that will be available at a discount.

Include Products The plugin will only apply to the products specified in this field if the other Include fields are empty.

Exclude products The products indicated in this field will not be available at a discount. In case when Include/Exclude fields conflict with each other, this field has priority.

Include tag The plugin action will be applied to products that are specified in the Include fields and to the products under the tags specified in the current field. However, the Exclude products field still has priority.

Exclude tag The goods under the tags indicated in this field will not be available at a discount. In case when Include/Exclude fields conflict with each other, this field has priority.

Include Category The plugin will be applied to the products specified in the Include fields and to products located in the categories indicated in this field

Exclude Category Product categories indicated in this field will not be available at a discount. In case when Include/Exclude fields conflict with each other, this field has priority.

  1. Payment Gateways (multiselect) – setting allows you to specify the payment gateways that will be used if there is at least one product available at a discount in the user’s shopping cart. An empty field allows all available payment gateways. We recommend to include only those gateways where the user immediately pays for the purchased products, this allows you to save the store from fraud (when a person can redeem all the products and not pay it afterwards, in this case, other users will not be able to redeem the products available at a discount).

  2. Clear quantity (link) – As the product is purchased at a discount and the quantity of products available at a discount is limited, the product Current product quantity is updated. When creating a new promotion, it is necessary to reset this value manually, by clicking on the link Reset claimed quantities. You will see a confirmation window, by clicking on the Clear button, the data will be cleared. Please note that this data can not be recovered.

Quantity FAQ

Q: What happens if the buyer puts more goods into the basket than allowed in global quantity or Max product quantity?

A: In this case, WooCommerce will show a warning that the limit for this product has been exceeded and will ask you to select a different amount of this product.

Q: What if I choose use product quantity by product but do not specify Max product quantity?

A: Discount on the products will be distributed but the limit for the available quantity of products at a discount will not be set.

Q: What happens when the quantity of goods sold is equal to Max product quantity?

A: The product will no longer be affected by the plugin, the product will be available at a regular price.

Q: What happens if the buyer puts the maximum quantity of goods in the basket, but another buyer at the same time buys the same product?

A: When updating the shopping cart or trying to buy goods for the buyer who put the maximum amount of goods in the basket, WooCommerce will show a warning that the limit for this product has been exceeded and will ask you to choose a different amount of this product.

Q: What happens if a user places a discounted item in his basket and the action ends by the deadline or another user purchases all the available quantity of the goods at a discount?

A: In this case, the latecomer when updating the basket or when trying to complete the order will receive a warning that the discount has ceased to apply to this product and its price has returned to the previous one. Further the buyer can continue complete order at the usual price. This condition will apply during the WooCommerce purchase session (https://woocommerce.wordpress.com/2015/10/07/new-session-handler-in-2-5/). The plugin will no longer be affected by this product.


The plugin is ready for translation. To add a translation, use plugins like Loco Translate. If you want your translation to be included in the plugin, send it to us at: [email protected]. If you want the translation to be done by our own, please contact us at: [email protected]

Technical support

Technical support for the plugin will be made on the plugin page at codecanyon.com. Also you can contact us at: [email protected]. The more information about the problem you provide, the more quickly it will be solved. Perhaps you will need to create a temporary user with administrator rights and send access to our email.